Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Gym outfit

Hello beautiful people :)

Easter is over and its back to college tomorrow...back to the usual routine :( It's really bad because it means that the exams are even closer now! Lot's of revising to comeeeee....

Like I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I joined the gym two weeks ago. I finally decided to do it and i will try and stick with it :p No matter how busy my schedule might be, I'll always try to find an hour to work out.

So in today's post I will show you one of the outfits I wore to the gym the other day. It is HARD to find something comfortable to wear at the gym without looking like a potato :p

Always go for short sleeved top and thin tracksuits or leggings because it does get hot when you run and work out!

Have a good week back at college, school or whatever you may do :)

Georgia x

Top- Primark
Cardigan- Zara
Leggings- Select
Bag- Primark
Shoes- Nike 
Sunglasses- Internationale

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