Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Cartilage Piercing

  Hello guys!

I might not have told you this earlier but on Saturday i got my cartilage pierced (if that's how you say it) :P
I was quite scared, not gonna lie, because people were saying that it really hurts!

Well to be honest it hurts more after than when you actually pierce it. I got mine done with a gun because i think its easier and the pain is quick. After i got it done it was quite sore and even the wind made it hurt a bit. Of course that night i couldn't even sleep on the side i had it done. But as the days go by it gets better. I still can't sleep on that side and if my hair accidentally gets caught it hurts like f**** but in general it is much better :P The girl who pierced it did say it can take up to 12 weeks for it to heal, which is pretty long, so i think im doing great for day 5!

Taking care of it is not a hard process as the main think you have to use (a special sterile liquid) is given to you by your piercer. You have to put that liquid on twice a day. It doesn't hurt at all when you apply it so don't worry. Major rule is to make sure your hands are super clean before you touch the piercing or apply the liquid, you don't want bacteria to come in contact with the wound.

It is normal for the area around the piercing to go red and swell for the first few days (mine is still quite pinkish). You might feel as if its bruised. Be careful though when coming your hair or anything hair related because its really easy for your hair to get caught on the piercing. I have done it a few times...actually i did it again today and it still hurts :P Also it is normal for some whitish-yellow fluid to form crust in the piercing but remember not pus, just this fluid. If you notice any pus then that might mean it is infected.

Even though it is cool to keep it clean, don't over do it! Too much cleaning can strip down the natural oils of the skin and irritate the piercing...not good :/ Lastly avoid the piercing coming into contact with beauty and personal care products such as perfume, lotion, make up etc

Other than that don't worry :) But if you notice something unusual go to your doctors immediately. But remember, do not remove the piercing yourself even if you suspect an infection.

Hope this helped anyone who recently had a cartilage piercing or is thinking of getting one.
Let me know if you have any more advice on how to care for a piercing :) Any feedback is appreciated.

Georgia x

My ear looks sooooo weird xD But yeah this is my piercing

This is the sterile liquid my piercer gave me

This is the type of earring i am hoping to wear once it heals :p
(source: google)

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